We would be pleased to answer any questions you have or provide you with additional information.
Call the main office with any emergency situations or questions regarding your water account.
You can contact us by mail or phone with the information provided below, or by email at the addresses to the right. We look forward to hearing from you!
Mifflin County Municipal Authority
70 Chestnut Street
Lewistown, PA 17044
Phone: (717) 248-0165
Fax: (717) 248-0167
Please direct information requests to:
Agency Open Records Officer
Joshua Pursel
70 Chestnut Street
Lewistown, PA 17044
Fax: (717) 248-0167
Phone: (717) 248-0165
Right To Know Request
Pennsylvania Open Records
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Office of Open Records
333 Market St, 16th Floor
Harrisburg, PA 17126-0333
We can be reached by email at:
Craig A. Bubb
Executive Director
Deanna J. Hassinger
Business Manager
Matthew A. Castel
Water Production Manager
MCMA General
Change of Address or Phone Number
Have you recently changed your contact information and would like to update it with us?
Simply fill out the form to the right and be sure to include your old and new information and we will be happy to assist you.